Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Favorite Author: Janette Rallison

Do your kids have any favorite authors that they enjoy reading over the summer?

All of my daughters love the author Janette Rallison. Her books are so light and fun to read that they make the perfect beach novel. I even enjoy my "Janette Rallison" escape every once in a while. I love that they include romance but are still clean and appropriate. I never have to worry that my daughter's are reading anything with sex or other mature content.

Here are just a few of her titles:

I think Just One Wish is my favorite. I have never laughed and cried so hard in the same book before.

One of my daughters has even coined the phrase "Janette Rallison Moments." Here is what she wrote on Good Reads;

She is seriously my favorite author. Not to boast or anything but I was the cause of my best friends obsession and addiction as well. You know the saying, misery loves company. And it is misery, waiting for something new by Janette Rallison. 

You know how she seems to create the most awkward, embarrassing, yet down right hilarious teenage moments in all of her books? (If you don't, read some and you'll see.) Well my friends and I have what we like to call "Janette Rallison moments". It's where we have the most humiliating experiences that are mortifying at first, but then we have a giggle fest later on about it. Like the time when one of my friends got their braces stuck to her crushes shirt. Yeah. Definitely Janette Rallison moment.
Anyways. If you haven't jumped on the Janette train (or her other secret name she uses to write books, all of which are just as fabulous) I suggest you do right away. You are missing out! 

I love how these books help her laugh at her own embarrassing teenage moments. 

Janette is now writing books under the pseudonym C.J. Hill and we love those books too. These books will even interest the boys in your house. My students loved the first book in the Slayers series and I am reading her new book Erasing Time and loving it.

If you haven't yet discovered this terrific author, this summer is the perfect time to check her out.

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