Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hogwarts Summer School Week 3

Students participating in our Hogwarts Summer Fun Challenge just completed Week 3. Here are pictures of some of the fun activities that they completed for their Hogwarts Classes.

Making a face out of food for Potions.

Taping quarters to a laundromat machine to surprise someone else in Charms.

Having a potato sack race for Quidditch.

Making a fairy or toad house out of all natural materials for Herbology.

Making cootie catchers and writing your own fortunes for Divination.

Making homemade popsicles for Potions.

Creating a club and designing club t-shirts for Transfigurations.

Doubling and dividing a recipe for Arithmancy.

As you can see, these kids are all STAR students at Hogwarts. They are putting Ron and  Harry to shame. Better look out Hermione! Too bad every house can't win the house cup.

The House that is in the lead after Week 3 is....
Congratulations to Gryffindor for staying in the lead for the second week in a row with 43 points! Slytherin has moved into second with 42 points. Ravenclaw is in 3rd with 39 points and Hufflepuff is close behind with 38 points.

Enjoy your holiday break for the 4th of July and we will see you in two weeks for Week 4 of the Hogwarts Summer Fun Challenge.

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