Friday, March 29, 2013

Elementary Activities: Egg Head Comedians

by: Deborah Pace Rowley

My teenage daughter decorated these eggs about a month ago and made us all laugh when we found them in the refrigerator. (To be honest, I had a hard time breaking them and using them in my baking. They seemed a little too personified!)

I wanted to post these pictures just in time for Easter to inspire your egg decorating imaginations, especially if you find yourself in an egg decorating rut. I thought these guys and girls would look amazing if you first dyed them in bright colors. Adding sharpie features and quote bubbles then provide the perfect creative opportunity for your older elementary school kids and teenagers to show their style and sense of humor.

This little egg says, "Peep! Pretend to be a chick. Then they won't be able to eat you."

This egg says, "Oh no, someone is coming to eat me!!"

This comedian says, "Get me out of here. The guy next to me is an egghead!"

This evil egg says, "See if you can break me before I break you!"

What will your eggs have to say to you? Have fun creating these wise-cracking, egghead comedians!

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