Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bonus Post: Easter Chicks

By Deborah Pace Rowley

I know that I have said that I don't like coloring Easter Eggs but when I was shopping at Walmart yesterday I found this kit for $1.99 and I couldn't resist.
Funnest Egg Decorating Project EVER!  And well worth $2.00. I thought our chicks turned out so cute.
Quiz: Can you tell which chick was created by my teenage son?

Yes, you guessed correctly! This is Sam.

Of course, Katie named each chick and gave them a personality.

Above are Joy and Tom. Not pictured are: Sam, Olivia, Charlotte, and Ricki. She was so proud that she had to show everyone in our house what we had done.

Happy Easter everyone!! Love, Olivia.

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