Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday Sampler

Since it is Saturday, I am going to share with you a sampler of things that have caught my attention from the Web.

1.  My kids and I are planning this next Friday. I am so excited! Don't tell!

2.  I read this to each of my daughters this week. Everyone needs this message, especially all of our girls.

Your Body is Not Your Masterpiece

3. Yea Colbie Caillat! I love her.

4. I want to get involved in this powerful cause.
They provide hygiene items for girls in impoverished countries so that they can stay in school during their periods.

Days for Girls International

5. I have spent this week writing the life history of my incredible sister-in-law, Sabrina Rowley

Sabrina's Obituary

I have been interviewing her parents and her brothers and I have been reminded again of her beauty and strength. I have felt so close to her spirit.  Everything we do to connect our families to our ancestors is powerful. Everyone has a story that needs to be shared and preserved for future generations.  I will share more of Sabrina's story in the future.

6. I wrote a piece about Mormon Women and the Priesthood that appeared on the FairMormon blog site. Yikes! Those people are smart.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you are interested in my opinion on the controversy that has been in the news lately about women not being ordained to the priesthood, you can read that below.

What is God thinking?

7. Finally, my heart is aching for sweet Cassidy.

The Cassidy Stay Fund

Enjoy your weekend. We will see you back here for the winners of Hogwarts Week 4 and more fun summer ideas next week.

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for the Hogwarts Challenge, not just because it helps me be a more fun mom this summer, but because it introduced YOU to me. This post is incredible. I cried watching that Colbie Caillat video. Im raising 3 girls, and I need powerful good messages like that for them. As well as the paintbrush one. AWESOME! Im looking forward to reading your piece on the Priesthood, Im sure it will be amazing as well. You are a blessing in my life, thank you, thought after all you do for me the least I could do was THANK YOU! Have a great week!
