Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hogwarts Challenge Week 6 House Cup Winner

The students at Hogwarts just finished up Week 6. And the winner of the House Cup for this week is....

Slytherin stole the House Cup away from Ravenclaw. This was completely unexpected! It came out of nowhere! Slytherin won dominantly with 6.8 points. Gryffindor surged into second place with 6.3 points and Ravenclaw fell into third place with 6.1 points. Great job, houses! The House Cup competition is really heating up. I can't wait to see who wins for Week 7.

If you are participating at home, here is the list of classes and activities for Week 7.

Hogwarts Week 7

Now let's see some of the amazing activities the students participated in this week.

For Herbology, the students had to adopt a tree and draw a picture of it.

For History of Magic, the students had to read under a tree while sipping lemonade. 

For Arthimancy, the students had to go on a Counting Scavenger Hunt. They had to find one of something, then two of something, three and so forth! One student got as high as 16 in her hunt.

For Astrology, the students had to look at the night sky and then create a constellation of their own.

Isn't their work amazing?

For Ancient Runes, the students had to create postcard and mail it to a friend.

For Quidditch, the student played Splash Tag by throwing sponges at each other. You should see this done on brooms! Quite dangerous for the spectators below!

For Charms, the students delivered a surprise to their local emergency rooms. 

One student created beautiful placemats for Meals on Wheels recipients!

The students were able to transform a sliding glass door or window for Transfigurations.

Can you see the wizard's mustache?

And this wizard's magical top hat?

By far the favorite class this week was Potions. The students were able to create an explosion with Mentos and Diet Coke. This experiment comes from Steve Spangler Science and is always a huge hit. Check out these amazing photos. 

And even a great video!

Good luck to everyone for Week 7! Just two weeks to go! 

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