Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hogwarts Week 2 House Winner

We have finished our second week of Hogwarts Summer School! It was another fantastic week of learning and fun.

The winner for the House Cup for Week 2 was... (Drum roll please!)

What? No way! It was supposed to be Gryffindor for Week 2! Sorry guys! Ravenclaw stole the cup again. This is how close the scores were: 
Ravenclaw 6.5
Gryffindor 6.3
Slytherin 6.2
Hufflepuff 5.9
Yikes! If even one more person completes one more activity, that would change the standings!
Good luck for Week 3. I have never seen the competition this close before. 

If you are doing Hogwarts on your own, here are the Activities for Week 3. 

Here were some of the fun things that the students were able to do last week. 

Creating a worm farm

Making a balloon rocket

Playing Statues with a Flashlight

Reading in a cool secret place

Making a magic soda slushy

Doing a secret service for someone and leaving a sock as evidence- Go House Elves!

Making a collection of 10 items and writing a comic strip. 

Some of the Hogwarts Students even got to play Quidditch with the Harlem Globetrotters!

And here is fun water balloon photo that I forgot to post last week. Great job Hogwarts Students!

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