Thursday, May 15, 2014

{DIY} Camp Pillowcases

My baby is going to Girls Camp this summer! How did this happen? She has an August birthday and will turn twelve on the 2nd but she misses the September cut-off and will be able to go to camp even though she isn't in the Young Women's group at our church quite yet.

I wanted to do something to help Katie bond with the other first year campers and get her excited to go to camp. We learned that their theme is LOOK UP! And they have the cutest 7 week challenge based around the word UP to get ready for camp. It is called the 7-UP. (Of course, this challenge came with a cute bottle of 7-Up. Camp leaders are so stinking creative.) Each week they do something that relates to the theme like Speak Up, Stand Up, Wake Up, Lift Up, Be Up, and Jump Up. We wanted to do a craft that related to this theme and immediately thought about the movie UP.

We got some soft fleece fabric from Walmart that had clouds all over it. Katie's grandma helped her sew up all the pillowcases. They had so much fun doing this together.

Then we had the girls choose bright colored fabrics for the balloons. Once they had cut out the balloon shapes, they ironed on the letters of their names.

Then they ironed the balloons to some fusible web that is sticky on both sides. They first stuck it to the balloon fabric and then stuck the whole balloon to the pillowcase. Super easy! No sew and something 12 year olds can do quickly.

Then they used fabric glue to stick on the balloon strings and the cute bows. I love the finish product and the girls were so proud of themselves for completing them on their own. They are staying in cabins and the pillows will look so cute on their bunk beds. As an added bonus their secret sisters will know where they sleep and can easily deliver their daily gifts....

Stay tuned for more cute camp crafts coming up!

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