Tuesday, September 3, 2013

ToonDoo Fun!

Whew! Just finished my third day of school. This year I have tackled a new challenge. I am being filmed in my class and the videos are being uploaded to distance learners around the world. I even have students in Italy and Puerto Rico and Lima, Peru! It is so exciting but the first few days of filming have been exhausting. I am not OPRAH! I have made so many mistakes on camera that it is comical! At least I hope my distance learners are laughing.

Today we did a fun project using the website Toon Doo. We learned about China and how advanced China was during the Middle Kingdom period. The Ming Dynasty really should have discovered and explored America first and many historians feel that they did. The big question is why they DIDN'T colonize America and bring Chinese culture, religion and people to our land before European explorers arrived. After we had discussed this as a class, I asked the students to create a cartoon using the ToonDoo website to share what they had learned.

Here is one super cute example:

After the death of the Emperor Zhu Di who sent out the treasure ships on a voyage around the world, his son became the Emperor of China. He regime was anti-exploration and soon even the building of a boat with more than one mast was forbidden. It was so fascinating to learn this history and so much fun to create our cartoons.

I love this website for reinforcing learning and just for fun! Share it with your kids today.


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