Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hogwarts Summer School Week 8

The participants of our Hogwarts Summer Fun Challenge just finished their final week! Here are some of the fun activities that they completed for Week 8.

Taking a treat to the librarians at a local library for Charms. 

Leaving a cheerful note at the bus stop also for Charms.

We had some amazing wizards participating in the summer fun challenge. FOUR of the Wizards in Gryffindor house had a perfect score EVERY single week. That is why Gryffindor won the House Cup this summer!
Congratulations Gryffindor!

Here are some of the comments from the families that participated in our summer fun challenge. We would love to have your family join us for Hogwarts Summer School next summer. So watch for information about enrolling in this free program next April 2014.

"We have been amazed by the creativity and open-ended fun we found in the Hogwarts Summer School assignments each week. It has been so much fun to participate. I loved being able to adapt the activities for the kid's different ages or interest levels,  loved the sweet and charitable acts of service, and really loved getting our imaginations going. "

"I thought the challenges were really fun. I loved making memories with my kids and doing things with them that I wouldn't think of on my own. "

"We absolutely loved this!! We would definitely want to participate again."

"We absolutely 100% loved Hogwarts Summer School and are all so sad it's over already. This summer has flown by. You helped make it an amazing summer for the girls."

Thanks to everyone for participating. Watch for your reward in the mail coming soon! Have a magical school year and remember to never tickle a sleeping dragon!

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