Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hogwarts Summer School Week 7

The students in just finished Week 7 of the Challenge. Here are some of the fun activities they completed for their Hogwarts Course this week.

Making a countdown chain for the rest of the summer for Transfigurations. (Some of the students said they were sad to have to complete this activity!)

Making a Hagrid-worthy chocolate cake for Harry's birthday in Potions.

Picking up trash in a public place for Charms.

Making S'mores in the oven or over a fire for Potions.

Writing letters to Dumbledore for Ancient Runes. 

Making bark rubbings for Herbology. 

Transforming a paper plate into something else for Tranfigurations.

The winner of the House Cup for Week 7 is Gryffindor. Those over-achievers! They have 4 members of their house who have completed every single activity of the summer or have missed just one! What can you do with those Hermione Granger clones!!

Congratulations Gryffindor for your 3rd consecutive week as winner of the House Cup. Good Luck to the other houses as we finish our summer semester in style!

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