Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hogwarts Summer School Week 6

The students participating in our summer fun challenge just finished Week 6. Here are some of the fun activities they completed for their Hogwarts Classes.

Turning popsicle sticks into something else for Transfigurations.

Feeding wildlife for Herbology

Coloring hot rocks for Transfigurations.

Making numbers into animals for Arithmancy. 

Playing Pooh Sticks for Quidditch. Did you know that there is a Pooh Sticks World Championship?
I know. We didn't either!

Visiting someone in a Nursing Home for Charms.

The winner of the House Cup this week was.... Gryffindor!
They are really on a roll. But Slytherin and Ravenclaw are tied for second place and very close behind.
Best of luck to all the houses as they finish up their summer semester!

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