Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Kick-Off: Our Summer Bucket List

By Tiffany Rudd

Happy Summer! First, I need to apologize to my amazing sister for being MIA from the blog for the past little bit during our move. Her posts are the best though, so I'm sure none of you are complaining. :)

Now that we are settled in our home {or at least kinda...}, I'm excited to make this a super fun summer for my kiddos! This is our first summer in a few years where we haven't had a new baby, so I'm determined to pack it full of all the activities we've missed out on. Of course, we started off by creating a Summer Bucket List together! My kids are actually earning daily activities from the list by reading and working on their Summer Study Packets each morning. I'll post Cameron's 2nd Grade Summer Study Packet later in the week. It's only been a few days, but so far it is going great! :)

Our Fun Summer Bucket List 2013
Have a marshmallow war
Go to a drive-in movie
Have a Daddy Date Night for each of the kids
Have at least two at-home Restaurant Dinners
Paint Pet Rocks
Build an indoor fort
Have paper airplane races
Make friendship bracelets
Have a homemade pizza party
Have at least on Pajama Day - Check
Ride a PlasmaCar in the new house before we get furniture - Check! :)
Make cookies for the neighbors
Have a water balloon fight
Write a mail letters
Make homemade Salt Water Taffy
Go on a hike
Make Recycled Robots
Have a cousin sleep-over
Send a Hug in the mail
Make homemade Flubber & Slime
Go to a water park
Have a picnic at the park
Eat lunch with Dad at work
Do at least 10 Random Acts of Kindness
Make and play Homemade Angry Birds
Go bowling
Play Mini-Golf
Make a movie
 Roast hotdogs and have a s'mores buffet at Grandma & Grandpa's
Go to a splash pad
Make homemade jam
Go to the Zoo
Learn a new card game
Get snow-cones
Make homemade musical instruments
Sleep in a bunk bed tent
Write and "publish" our own books

We may not get to them all, but it's going to be fun trying! I'll let you know which ones end up bring our favorites. :)

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