Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer Kick-Off: Go Iceskating

Iceskating isn't usually the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of summer. But summer is actually the perfect time to try this fun winter sport. Rinks are not as crowded during the summer and skating is the perfect activity to beat the summer heat and cool off for a few hours.

You really do not need to bundle up from head to toe to be comfortable at a skating rink. My older kids skated in short sleeve shirts. Katie did wear a light zip-up hoodie and fashionable ear muffs. It is amazing how sweaty you get just circling the ice for an hour. I must have burned a ton of calories!

I do like to skate with mittens since my hands seem to get cold before everything else. Katie says that she likes to wear mittens to protect her hands when she falls. Katie wore flip flops to our local rink and brought along a pair of long socks to wear underneath her skates.

Iceskating is such a fun skill to master and really gives kids' confidence in their abilities. This trip to the rink Katie was perfecting the art of skating backwards. Even little kids can have fun iceskating. Most rinks have walkers like the one pictured below to help steady little ones on the ice.

Some rinks even allow parents to walk on the ice in tennis shoes to help teach their children how to skate. So next time you are sweltering in the sun and don't feel like coating on sunscreen and heading to the pool, try going to your local ice rink instead!

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