Monday, June 18, 2012

Mealtime Activities: Magic Bubble Recipe {Bubble Week!}

By: Deborah Pace Rowley 

During our bubble activity last week we used a boatload of bubble solution! When you are using regular bubble wands, a solution of dish soap and water works great. But when you are making giant bubbles or Boo bubbles, a little stronger bubble solution is needed. Here is our foolproof big bubble recipe (Click on the recipe to print your own copy). You can find glycerin in the Pharmacy section of stores like Walmart or you can just use the corn syrup that you have at home. It really does work better the longer that it sits out. Make it ahead of time and let it sit uncovered for 24 hours or longer. 

The pictures in this post show the Boo Bubbles we made at the open house. This is normally not an activity that we would feature on our blog because it requires a more expensive container that I purchased at the Steve Spangler Science website. 
But Boo Bubbles are so awesome that I couldn’t resist. (FYI: I love this web site. It has great ideas for awesome science experiments. Many of them you can do with items you have at home and do not require purchasing something extra from their site.) 

Once you have purchased this special jar and tubing for around $25.00, all you need to do is add warm water, the magic bubble solution, and dry ice. Then you can make hundreds of fog-filled bubbles that you can bounce on your glove-covered hands. How cool is that! 

Adults and kids alike were completely enthralled and couldn’t get enough of playing with these fun Boo Bubbles. But even if you don’t want to get a Boo Bubble machine, you will find lots of other uses for our bubble solution on the blog this coming week. Stay tuned for my favorite post where Tiff shows you how to build your own giant bubble wand. You will be amazed how simple, easy, and cheap it is. And it kept the kids entertained for hours!

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